Marcelo Tinelli and Jimena Baron Delivers Speech Regarding Women in Show Match

Marcelo Tinelli and Jimena Baron. Image source : @marcelotinelli

Marcelo Tinelli and Jimena Baron. Image source : @marcelotinelli

In the final of " Bailando 2018 ", from " ShowMatch " (El Trece)  Marcelo Tinelli, the famous Argentina TV host delivers his gratitude for the change they made in the program regarding the place that women are given. Marcelo was honest and made a self-criticism: "I did things that today would not do or waste, I'm grateful to be learning," he said. 

Jimena Baron, the finalist in the current show, began by declaring: "I was scared to come, I asked to have three dresses and go to my house. And I am happy, happy that you have embraced the change of the world, of women, of the way of thinking. That they have embraced the evolution of the world and of women. I thank you because I know they made a giant change. I was here before and talks about a huge head on your part and a love and a huge commitment to the mines. I thank you infinitely. I have free rhythm in my head and in my soul forever. " 

"For all the people who talk and it's a bit annoying. Record the people who accompany us and embrace the change. Do not condemn and thank people who also change, "added Jimena Baron .

Then, Marcelo Tinelli responded saying that there are two words that for him, at this moment are fundamental: " learning " and " gratitude ." "Learning, it is difficult for many, and not others, but it is important to do so," Tinelli maintained. One can always be better. Just as one has to start from scratch, setting up a new company, a new production company. It is an apprenticeship and a thank you. " 

Tinelli continued explaining: "I never thought I could have a child again at 54 years old. However, having a child makes me learn a lot of subjects that had been solved. That university of fatherhood had already passed. I want to thank my wife and Lolo, my son, who teaches me every day. " 

In addition, Marcelo Tinelli had other words of gratitude for those who, feel, help him learn and change. "I want to thank the Argentinas and the women," he said. Because this change that we are all living, or at least we, who come from a different generation, where we did a lot of things that we would never do today, makes us learn and be better people. This is great and I love this new world, this role of women and their active participation. " 

Addressing Jimena Baron , Marcelo Tinelli said: "We try to make a lot of changes and, let someone like you, who is here and who has active participation, say 'thank you.'"

"The women of my house teach me," said Marcelo Tinelli . My wife, my three daughters ... They teach me Jimena, Laurita, Flor, the producers ... They teach me to be better people. There are a lot of things that one has done and today would not do or waste. Actually, I would not do them and not from a place of 'good, yes, because it is convenient'. You feel a big change and a beautiful commitment. " Excited, Tinelli told Baron: "For that, I want to thank you, Jimena that you teach me a lot of things to me and teach us all to be better people," he concluded.

Marcelo Tinelli and Jimena Baron Delivers Speech Regarding Women in Show Match