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Academy Winner Natalie Portman's Vox Lux Trailer: A Unique Emotional Pop Culture Drama

Academy Winner Natalie Portman's Vox Lux Trailer: A Unique Emotional Pop Culture Drama

Natalie Portman�s show stealing performance in the Vox Lux trailer became the talk of the town from the moment it released and now the Oscar race gets tighter with another surprising masterpiece coming to hit the screens this year. The film spans over a period of 1999 to 2017 where Celeste (Natalie Portman) the star singer�s life filled with ups and downs is filmed throughout.

The story shows Celeste living life in her own way that bothers other people around her driving to scandals and terrifying acts involving her. The title Vox Lux is her comeback album in the film after a series of media scandals while the film also shows the side of her life with her teenage daughter. Natalie seems so comfortable onscreen and turned as the character completely giving a power to the frame.

The film also stars Jude Law in an important role,�the trailer was filled with emotions, action, rise and fall of a star with a great piece of music carrying the film forward. Scott Walker has done the background score for this musical drama directed by Brady Corbet. Neon is releasing the film scheduled on December 7 in USA and worldwide release is planned for December 14 before which the film will have multiple festival screenings before the release.

Academy Winner Natalie Portman's Vox Lux Trailer: A Unique Emotional Pop Culture Drama