Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 Production put on hold; Marvel in search of a New Director

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 Production put on hold; Marvel in search of a New Director

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 Production put on hold; Marvel in search of a New Director

Latest news is that the Pre-Production works of the film have been put on hold to find the new director in the place of the old director of the famous franchise Guardians of the Galaxy. The crew members who were on their production works in Atlanta were called off while the filming was planned to be started during early 2019. All the members were asked to carry on their other movie works until further improvement.

It is known that Director James Gunn has been fired by the Disney and Marvels for his old social media comments that were found insensitive and out of the moral codes of the company. He was accused in social media for his weird comments on Rape and Philadelphia a decade ago in a tweet he posted in his Twitter account.

The news broke out controversy amidst of the Marvel fans and also the Cast and crew members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Most of the cast members jointly sent a pleading request to the production house to re-hire James Gunn considering his talent and work for the Marvel films. Actor Dave Bautista proposed his thoughts about the firing of Gunn and requested the Marvel to re-hire him in the next part. But the concerned authority didn't have an idea to consider about re-hiring him.

The search for the director is still carried out while the Marvels along with Disney are looking for a right director the carry over the franchise as it has a huge audience worldwide. Recently the Marvel met Taika Waititi, the director of Thor Ragnorak but it isn't confirmed that it is regarding the GOG film. So, the making and release of the film is undergoing a change of plans due to this issue.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 Production put on hold; Marvel in search of a New Director