Oscars to add Achievement in Popular film category; Voting based Hits to get the Academy Award
Naveen Kumar (Author) Published Date : Aug 20, 2018 12:11 ISTEntertainment
The Academy Awards which is most sought-after award in the world is about to start a new big category in their list of awards. The most popular film will be awarded based on voting from the audience that would give recognition for blockbuster films that deserve an Academy award.
A film like The Dark Knight missed out an Oscar nomination which was the reason of increasing the nominees' count in the Best Picture category from 2009. After that incident, 10 films were nominated in that category that helped in generating more revenue for deserving films.
Oscars are planning for this improvement to get an even wider reach and interaction with the audience. The movie watching young generation could have a close reach with the academy awards and get attached to the show by supporting their favourite films. This will add the chance of superhero films to get an edge of an honour in Oscars.
Even some quality hits of previous years that stole everyone’s heart didn’t get an acclamation in the Academy Awards due to the competition around the films. IMDB has recently started a poll for the 2017 films which would have won this popular category award if existed. The Poll results are quite interesting to see the results shown below. The Poll is still available to vote in their site.

Oscars to add Achievement in Popular film category; Voting based Hits to get the Academy Award