Star Wars Writer Chuck Wendig Fired by Marvel for his Tweets: Writer Reveals Though Twitter

Star Wars Writer Chuck Wendig Fired by Marvel for his Tweets: Writer Reveals Though Twitter , Image Source - Flickr

Star Wars Writer Chuck Wendig Fired by Marvel for his Tweets: Writer Reveals Though Twitter , Image Source - Flickr

The Comics book writer Chuck Wendig revealed an important message through his twitter handle that he was fired from the Marvels for the vulgar tweets that he used opposite his criticisers in Twitter and he also revealed a lot of information about his firing and threats he received for his Aftermath series.

The writer started with a tweet to follow a thread like “So, here’s a thing that has happened – I just got fired from Marvel. Taken off issues 4 and 5 of SHADOW OF VADER, and taken off an as-yet-unannounced SW book. This might be a long thread, so apologies in advance.” (Tweet is not Spell-checked).

He also said that the elements he added in the Star Wars: Aftermath series weren’t received well by a lot of fans and the LGBT substance that he included through his writings got backfired and exploded in Internet beginning a hate campaign on him.

Chuck also revealed that he faced a lot of harassments through the Internet and YouTube, Facebook, Reddit etc which led him to file a police complaint against them. The series of tweets forming a thread by Chuck Wendig gone viral in social media and he doesn’t seem to give a heck about his firing, that can be felt through his tweets.

Read the Tweet Thread of Chuck Wendig below to know the complete details. 

Star Wars Writer Chuck Wendig Fired by Marvel for his Tweets: Writer Reveals Though Twitter