Researchers Found A New Anti-Inflammatory Disease that Causes Fever Every Few Weeks

Researchers Found A New Anti-Inflammatory Disease that Causes Fever Every Few Weeks
Researchers Found A New Anti-Inflammatory Disease that Causes Fever Every Few Weeks

Scientists of the US and Australia have found a new autoinflammatory disease (CRIA). It began in childhood and continues into adult years. Autoinflammatory disease cause problems with the immune system. They are usually responsible for fighting with viruses and bacteria as it results in fever, rashes, swelling, and other symptoms.

CRIA: The researchers noticed CRIA (cleavage-resistant RIPK1- included autoinflammatory) syndrome caused by changes in gene or transmission for a generation or by chromosomes.

Dr.Dan Kastner widely regards as the father of autoinflammatory disease said, NHI team had treated CRIA syndrome patients with several anti-inflammatory medications, including high doses of corticosteroids. Also, CRIA caused by mutation of cell components called RIPK1, which results in a critical process of cell death.

Research teams led by Dr.Najoua and Lalaoui and Prof. John Silke from Walter and Eliza hall institute of medical research in Australia and the national genome research institute in the US has been established this disease and the therapy for treating the patients.

RIPK1: Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 is an enzyme that in humans is endowed by the RIPK1 gene, which is located in chromosome 6. This protein (RIP) kinases family, which consist of 7 members, RIPK1 begins from the first member of the family.

Cell death refers to the natural process of a biological cell which takes out the functions of the cell. As research has found that certain functions are not functioning of vital organs normally, which results in uncontrolled cell death and inflammation.

Cell death research began in the 1980s with the discovery that mutation in the BCI -12 proteins keeps the cell alive. 

Prof. Silke has studied the cell death pathway for more than 20 years and said RIPK1 was a critical regulator of inflammation and cell death.

Tasks performed by researchers:

  • Dr.kastner provided a precision medicine approach to treating the patients.
  • The Lalauoi  found that it was also formed with mice, by establishing a link between RIPK1 mutation and CRIA syndrome in a lab model
  • Dr. Boyden said, it is remarkable like lightning striking three times in the same place. The three mutations also have the same result. He showed how important RIPK1 maintain normal cell function.

Finally, the researchers hope by identifying the origin of the spread or cause of the CRIA syndrome, and they could create an apt drug or a therapy for treating such disease.

Researchers Found A New Anti-Inflammatory Disease that Causes Fever Every Few Weeks