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Climbing Staircase at Ease Proves Healthy Body and Longer Life

Climbing Staircase at Ease Proves Healthy Body and Longer Life

Researchers say climbing the staircase without any difficulty reveal your health and heart are good at health with long life.  On the contrary, difficulty in climbing even four steps and the need to grab onto the handrail and gasp for breath before reaching the next floor reveals the patient is suffering from cancer to heart disease, the lifetime is short for them. 

According to Dr. Jesus Peteiro, the head of this study concluded that keeping the body fit with proper exercises has positive effects on blood flow and fat accumulation in the blood vessels, improves body's immune system to tumors.  He says the if a man or woman can climb three or four floors very fast nonstop or without any rest in between have a healthy heart with high functional capacity.  Those who fail to climb says that he or she requires regular exercise with the change in lifestyle. 

Spanish researchers conducted their study on 13,000 people who had been linked to coronary artery disease for five years.  There is no cure for this disease but only exercises and some medications would increase their lifespan.  During the study, the patients were asked to stand the treadmill test until they feel tired and stop.  The goal of this test was to measure metabolic equivalents, a unit that tracks the rate of energy spent during exercise.  One MET is the energy used while resting without doing any work. Low-intensity activities such as moving slowly, used up 3 METS, moderate-intensity activities such as fast walking used up 3-6 Mets; and high-intensity activities push into more than 6 METs.  In this study, participants were deemed to have a good functional capacity if they could achieve 10 METs on the exercise task. 

At the end of the test after five years1253 patients died from Cardiovascular disease, 670 from cancer and 650 from other miscellaneous reasons.  

This is the result of the Spanish research presented this week at a European Society of Cardiology Meeting, which puts forth the importance of regular exercise that reduces the symptoms of cardiovascular disease and cancer. 

Climbing Staircase at Ease Proves Healthy Body and Longer Life