Cyberchondria- Researchers found new way to treat it

Cyberchondria- Researchers found new way to treat it
Cyberchondria- Researchers found new way to treat it

A small pain in the body sort of pinching requires self-diagnosis nowadays. Google search consults more patients than doctors in the present world.

Cyberchondria is the increase in anxiety led by excessive online searches to diagnose one's health status. The term is associated with hypochondria, also known as health anxiety.

Americans published "The impact of internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for health anxiety on cyberchondria" in the Journal of Anxiety disorders to study the Cyberchondria anxiety in participants through an online survey.

Cyberchondria anxiety study is based on online cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to diagnose the relation between cyberchondria and hypochondria. CBT explains several ways to participants about thinking and behaving. CBT treatment helps people to know the pros and cons of online diagnosis over a 12 week period. The study revealed Increased self-diagnosis gradually shows improvement in health anxiety and stress behavior.

The randomized control trial studied 41 patients of the control group who underwent psychoeducation comparing to another 41 participants who felt health anxiety disorder. A personal health testing company surveyed nearly 2200 Americans diagnosing that 65% of people self diagnose themselves on google and in which nearly 75% of participants experienced severe stress and anxiety.

Cyberchondriacs are increasing every day with self-diagnosing their symptoms. This survey suggests that an online survey leads to more anxiety and stress in participants, and the volume of visiting doctors is less in those cases minimizing cost, time, and extra doses.

Ateev Mehrotra, Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, says that it is not important to go deep diagnosis for headache or neck pain to find out whether meningitis or brain tumors. People should be aware that these searching online only help whether to visit a doctor or not but sometimes problem creators.

Cyberchondria- Researchers found new way to treat it