Improving Concentration and Positive Thoughts, Laughter Improves Physical and Mental Health

Improving Concentration and Positive Thoughts, Laughter Improves Physical and Mental Health
Improving Concentration and Positive Thoughts, Laughter Improves Physical and Mental Health

Self-Awareness and Self-Understand can be attained by focusing our thoughts to understand oneself better though concentration, which can be improved easily through meditation and breathing exercises to reduces stress and anxiety.  According to Andrew Weil, M.D.  practicing mindful breathing exercise calms the mind and energize the whole body and relieves stress-related problems. 

Self-Awareness helps to remove the undesirable desires as well as increase the consideration towards others, thus create social friendliness and love towards kith and kin.  During breathing exercise, we can slow down the breathing and tune them to bring the breathing process under our control.  This relaxes the mind and brings the whole body to control.  Positive thinking and positive deeds are very improving physical and mental health. 

Better understand of self helps to understand our inbuild strength better and helps to wither away weaknesses.  There are many types of breathing exercise, which can be properly learned through Yogic Expert.  Positive thoughts increase happiness, health, and success in life.  Changing negative attitude towards others into a positive attitude, forgiving and considering failures as a stepping stone to success, positive attitude people surrounding us would certainly boost our health. 

Laughing is an excellent exercise and an important meditation to remove stress and depression.  Watching humorous films will help to forget the mental stress and worries.  Studies show that laughter lowers stress, boosts immunity and lowers cholesterol.  It lowers blood pressure and aids in appetite.  Laughter relaxes the whole body and mind.  

Improving Concentration and Positive Thoughts, Laughter Improves Physical and Mental Health