Onions help to cure Antibiotic Resistance Bacterial, Viral or Fungal infections

Onions help to cure Antibiotic Resistance Bacterial, Viral or Fungal infections

Onions help to cure Antibiotic Resistance Bacterial, Viral or Fungal infections

The antibiotic resistance is a deadly threat to the future of mankind.  Now we are in the entrance of post-antibiotic era. Researches have been continuously going on for using plant parts to prevent infection including bacterial, viral and fungal.

UCL along with their partner institutions & Birkbeck,  University of London have taken a research regarding antimicrobial resistance and better remedy for the infectious diseases.

UCL has always ready to apply its intellectual capability to major global challenges. They are well placed to carry out the broad spectrum research on antimicrobial resistance.  They are doing multiple research that includes clinical, epidemiological and behavioral studies.

Birkbeck ( University of London) study to determine the factors responsible for the high degree of resistance in the bacteria (Colletotrichum circinans) can be treated with the varieties of onion (Allium cepa).

To place a cut onion in the room of the sick helps to absorb the bacteria and viruses in the atmosphere and even pull the germs out of the sick person. Also, intake of few bites and intake of the button onions clears the infection internally.  There are also proofs that the onions were used by the people in the 1918 flu pandemic.

Investigation on the bulbs from Persian shallot (Allium stipitatum)-has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.  They are boon to Vegetarians as they rely on plant source than animals.  They are used to lower blood cholesterol and sugar level and helps in diabetes. 

In multidrug-resistant tuberculosis condition, it helps by inhibiting the growth of isolated tuberculosis cells are reduced by more than 99%

They have anti-oxidant properties. They contain vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione and phenolics which includes flavonoids that help to protect against cell damage. They thus play chemoprotective roles and help to reduce oxidative stress.  Moreover, many of the ingredients may help the animal cells to produce their own chemical oxidative defense mechanisms.

Onions help to cure Antibiotic Resistance Bacterial, Viral or Fungal infections