Just one or two a day safe smoking cigarettes is not going to save your lungs anymore

Just one or two a day safe smoking cigarettes is not going to save your lungs anymore
Just one or two a day safe smoking cigarettes is not going to save your lungs anymore

Safe smoking ceases to exist with the new finding of a study by Columbia University : Similar to a safe speed, there is no safe smoking anymore. Just one or two a day excuse for smoking cigarettes is not going to save your lungs anymore. It is the new finding of a study published recently in the Lancet Respiratory Medicine journal.

The effect of safe smoking five cigarettes has the same impact on the lungs as that of smoking 30 cigarettes. It is the finding of the study conducted by the researchers of Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. Similar to a safe speed, There is nothing called as safe smoking anymore and still Damages Your Lungs

What the health professionals have been saying so long of there is nothing true with safe smoking, now becomes true. The US research of 25,352 participants from the age of 17 to 93 years constituting a mix of smokers, ex-smokers, and never smokers confirmed it.

All were made to take the spirometry test, which measures how much air is breathed out in one forced breath. This use of a large sample size of 25 K plus, which was never done before, enabled the researchers to see many differences in the functioning of the lung among various types of smokers.

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Elizabeth Oelsner MD, study leader: The study leader Dr. Elizabeth Oelsner said that the findings of the study are consistent with the biological studies. She noted that the gene activity would remain altered along with the anatomic differences in the lungs that persist for years after smokers quit.

The doctor also confirms that the loss of lung function is relatively small between five cigarette smokers and two pack smoker per day. Also, she affirms that it takes nearly 30 years for the lungs to normalize after quitting smoking.

With aging, the lung naturally loses its normal functioning. Smoking accelerates it’s at a rapid pace, and few or more cigarettes do not matter for the lungs.

Hence the only way is never to smoke or quit smoke entirely immediately instead of safe smoking. Just one here or there is not going to save your lung anymore with numerous lung diseases, which are mostly untreatable and fatal.

Just one or two a day safe smoking cigarettes is not going to save your lungs anymore