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Trans Fats Elimination Targeted By WHO Within 2023 Worldwide

WHO Targets To Avoid Trans Fats In Foods By 2023. Image Credit Max Pixel

Trans fat or trans-unsaturated fatty acids are widely produced from vegetable fats and used in snacks and packaged baked items. A person can be subjected to many major health risks because of trans fat that involves Heart diseases, Diabetes Type 2, stroke, Cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Liver dysfunction, Obesity, Infertility in women, major depressive disorder etc... 

World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently announced their plan to eliminate trans fat worldwide by 2023 in view of saving 10 million lives from increasing heart disease rates. Till June 1, WHO has called for public comments for framing the guidelines for the intake of trans fat by adults and children. The public can get into the WHO's website for the consultation. 

Baking products (if not reformulated) contain around 30% trans fats compared to their total fats. High-fat dairy products such as butter contain about 4%. Cholesterol ratio is the ratio that compares the levels of LDL to HDL. Trans fat behaves like saturated fat by raising the level of LDL, but, unlike saturated fat, it has the additional effect of decreasing levels of HDL. 

Trans fat-rich foods include Cakes, cookies, cream-filled candies, doughnuts, biscuits, margarine, microwavable breakfasts, microwave popcorns, fried fast foods, frozen pizza and many food items that we unknowingly consume every day if a person does not take these food items in his daily diet, his health is secured.

According to a 2006 study funded by the National Institutes of Health and the USDA Agricultural Research Service, palm oil is not a safe substitute for partially hydrogenated fats (trans fats) in the food industry, because palm oil results in negative changes in the blood concentrations of LDL as trans fat does.

More importantly, a periodic medical checkup would ensure a person be aware of the percentage of good and bad cholesterol in the body. Many doctors would have suggested you solutions like proper exercises, healthy diet, avoiding junk foods etc.. to reduce the bad cholesterol and eliminate the problems arising out of trans-fat. 


Trans Fats Elimination Targeted By WHO Within 2023 Worldwide