Drug usage by misusing prescription of pet animals: Shocking reports

Drug usage by misusing prescription of pet animals: Shocking reports

Drug usage by misusing prescription of pet animals: Shocking reports

As earlier reported, USA a facing a wave of drugs with the Fentanyl killing more number of people day by day from the overdose of drugs. Now the latest news is making a shockwave among the FDA and Veterinarians who came to know about the usage of opioids by the pet owners using a prescription.

The Veterinarians don’t have many options in prescribing painkiller drugs for the pets. The Fentanyl opioid is one such drug widely used, which is misused by the drug consuming pet owners, who get prescription from the Vets for their pets but instead, use it for their own purpose of addiction. This threat is forcing FDA to issue a plea to veterinarians to think about other options.

Recuvyra is the one opioid used for the pets and it is a form of Fentanyl drug that is causing so many death in America. The Govt has already urged the veterinarians to check the medical history of the pet owners regarding drug addictions, before prescribing them the drugs needed for their pet. The recent debates are making statements to make a collaborative work from the Veterinarians and FDA in this case of Health crisis. 

Drug usage by misusing prescription of pet animals: Shocking reports