Mysterious Drones Keep Appearing in Over Colorado at Night

Mysterious Drones Keep Appearing in Over Colorado at Night
Mysterious Drones Keep Appearing in Over Colorado at Night

It's eerie - Drones are swarming by night over Colorado is causing a disturbance: Drones are swarming over the regions of Western Nebraska and eastern Colorado, but the whereabouts of drones are unknown. "It is creepy," said Missy Blackman, one of the residents who saw drones are hovering the area and one exactly above her house on a recent evening. Also, Missy highlighted, "Who is doing this, and what for these drones are being flown? It is a mystery still unfolded."

Since Christmas, Sherrif's departments are loaded with reports outlining the drones with blinking lights and wingspans of up to 6 feet flying over rural towns and open fields. There are rumblings in the air about people who want to shoot down the drone and urged to report to law enforcement. People are too particular about their privacy in these places and don't like it to be invaded by anybody.

Federal Aviation Administration (F.A.A) is in full swing to find out the whereabouts. Ian Gregor, a spokesperson from F.A.A, informed that the investigations are underway to locate the drones' origin spot and the operators of the drones.

The detailed inquiry went declined. On Facebook about these drones, a lot of discussions happened, and people voiced out their opinion. Some said that they might be a part of a simple mapping operation done by the oil and gas companies. A newspaper headline in Akron Colo, asked, "What are drones and what is it for?" and also warned, "Shooting drones is a crime."

There are wild speculations about who is responsible for the flights? Government or cartel or oil company? Come what may, Why drones are flown only at night after 10 P.M is the intriguing question. Unmanned drones are exploring a lot of usage in recent years. "Drone regulation is lagging the technology," said Reggie Govan, a former Chief Counsel F.A.A.

Limitations in drone detection were giving rise to issues like drones easily approaching the White House without raising alarms and deploy bombs in the Pennsylvania region. Though it is as unclear about the drones flying in Nebraska and Colorado, people still welcome the technologies supporting the regulations. From mid-December, drones are in the air, especially at night, very often, which gives rise to a lot of speculations.

Across the state line in Colorado, Captain Yowell tried to capture the image of drones, but it was blurred, Around 30 drones are being flown each night, and local officials are studying the path of the drones to figure out where it is coming from exactly? With their current statistics, they have predicted the arrival of drones and poised to photograph and taped them to see from which direction they are coming and where are they heading towards? The mystery to be unveiled soon.

Mysterious Drones Keep Appearing in Over Colorado at Night