Sleeping US Passenger faces Sexual Assault in Flight: Detroit Man might face lifetime in Jail
Naveen Kumar (Author) Published Date : Aug 20, 2018 10:34 ISTUS News
The assault incident happened at the beginning of this year in a Spirit Airlines Flight on air has found the arrested man guilty and convicted for the sexual assault on the co-passenger. Prabhu Ramamoorthy, a 35-year old Indian who is on a work visa in the United States committed this assault crime on the 22-year old woman.
The complaint says that the woman was sitting near Prabhu and was sleeping while onboard. When she woke up at midnight, she found her Top and pants unbuttoned and the man’s finger in her pant zip. Immediately she called the flight officials and reported on the incident. It is known that the man’s wife was also sitting next to him.
The man was arrested and taken into custody when the flight landed and initially he was denying the act and said that he was trying to lift the girl who fell on his lap while sleeping. After the FBI investigations, he accepted his actions and proven guilty in the hearing. The report from FBI stated that Prabhu said that he unzipped the woman’s pant and attempted to digitally penetrate her.
The attorney Matthew Schneider read the conviction of the criminal and said that Prabhu Ramamoorthy might face life in prison and his sentence is dated on December 12. After the completion of his sentencing, he will be sent to his home country as per the judgement. The officials appreciated victim for her speaking out and said about the frequent assaults happening in flights. From 2014-2017 the sexual assaults on flights have increased by 66% as per reports.