Tropical Storm Gordon to hit Gulf Coast: Heavy Storm thrashes South Florida
Naveen Kumar (Author) Published Date : Sep 04, 2018 10:42 ISTUS News
State of Emergency has been issued for the Gulf coast after tropical storms hit Southern parts of Florida and heading towards Louisiana. The Gordon storm lashed South Florida on Monday while the National Hurricane Centre has issued the storm warning for some parts of the Gulf Coast which is expected to face the tropical storms by Tuesday off-late.
The Governor of Louisiana issued the state of emergency on Monday after the reports from the Hurricane Centre. The storm was centred at a distance of 153 kilometres away from the Fort Myers of Florida while the wind of speed was measured to be 60 miles per hour as reported by the National Hurricane Centre by 8 p.m. ET.
Starting from the Florida-Alabama border to the Mississippi’s Pearl River, the tropical storm is likely to hit those areas and the warning has been issued accordingly. The Gulf regions would face continuous rainfalls in the coming days due to the movement of the hurricane storm through the region.
People of Louisiana and Alabama are requested to remain safe as the water levels might rise by 5 feet throughout the region and also in the central parts of the Gulf coast. The Tropical Storm Gordon is reported to be approaching till this weekend around the mentioned areas and also expected to hit the central part of the U.S too.