
Will Donald Trump be acquitted from impeachment in the Senate trial?

Will Donald Trump be acquitted from impeachment in the Senate trial
Will Donald Trump be acquitted from impeachment in the Senate trial

Will Trump be acquitted from impeachment in the Senate trial?

President Trump becomes the third president in the history of America to be impeached. Now Trump warns immediate senate trial for a fast acquittal.  But the US House of Representatives, which impeached Trump is not sending the articles of impeachment on fear of unfair Senate trial to acquit Trump.

Why did the House of Representatives impeach Trump?

House of Representatives has a majority of democrats with a minority of Trump's party Republic members.  The House moved the impeachment against Trump on two charges. They are an abuse of power and obstructing Congress. 

Abuse of power charge is holding the Ukraine aid of $ 400 million to the incumbent Ukrainian president to look into the potential damaging material against Democratic candidate for 2020 presidential elections Joe Biden.

His son Hurt Biden was working in a Ukranian company. The second charge was of obstructing Congress is due to refusing to cooperate with the congressional inquiry.

Why is the delay in the Senate for the trial of Trump's impeachment?

The impeachment against Trump was voted 230 against 197 for the first charge and 229 against 198 for the second charge in the House of Representatives as it had more democrats. But in Senate, the Republicans are in the majority, and a fast acquittal of Trump may help him in the coming 2020 elections.

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the Republicans are rushing to acquit  Trump.  The democrats want to testify four existing and former White House aides in the Senate Trial. Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, met the senate minority leader Chuk Schumer on 19 December.

He said that the Democrats were at an impasse of sending the articles of impeachment to Senate trial or the GOP controlled Senate for a constitutionally mandated trial.

The impeachment of Trump and its trial will be the talking point until the next presidential elections in 2020.

Will Donald Trump be acquitted from impeachment in the Senate trial?