2019 Meteor Showers: Shooting stars brighten California sky from Sacramento to San Diego

2019 Meteor Showers: Shooting stars brighten California sky from Sacramento to San Diego
2019 Meteor Showers: Shooting stars brighten California sky from Sacramento to San Diego

2019 Meteor Showers: Many residents living across California from Sacramento to San Diego have reported having seen shooting stars lighting the sky. It is in accordance to the American Meteor Society confirmation that October 8th, Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning, the Draconoids will peak.

The stargazers were for a treat with stunning shooting stars, also known as Giacobinids peaking as usual in the first week of October, which will continue for four more days. Also, 2019 Meteor Showers on the arrival of bigger Orionid later this month.

Social media buzzes with Meteor Showers in California, On October 7th, social media were filled with pictures of many shooting stars resembling meteors. They were seen across California, including places like Sacramento, Lynwood, and San Diego. Along the Oceanside, there was also a picture of a glowing fireball shooting across the sky.

What are Draconid meteor showers? When the planet earth passes through the Comet 21 P/Glacobini-Zinner’s tail, the Draconid meteor shower of the shooting star shower starts in October. It will be active from October 6th to October 10th. The best shooting stars occur on the 8th and also on the 9th and 10th October.

It is best viewed during the evening hours and the night. But after midnight, it’s not as enthusiastic viewing the meteoroid shower as the bright moon will hinder the view of the bright shooting stars.

Past years with best shooting stars in the sky, 1933 and 1946 are the best years of meteoroid shower with more than thousands of Meteor shower per hour lighting up the sky. In 2011 there were more than 600 meteors per hour.

This year with the last two days of many shooting stars lighting up the California sky, the Americans may have a repeat of 2011 or even the previous best years of shooting stars.

2019 Meteor Showers: Shooting stars brighten California sky from Sacramento to San Diego