A Spike in the Jupiter Great Red Spot Blades is Discovered

 Jupiter Great Red Spot
Jupiter Great Red Spot

Recently, astronomers have seen a spike in the mysterious blades on the Jupiter’s Great Red Spot as the storm continues to hiss out of existence. Astronomers around the world have noted that in Jupiter a massive storm is spiralling out from the spot’s perimeter. These flake like appearance lasted for a week. This month after several sightings, astronomers noticed an uptick in both frequency and size. It shows plumes growing up to 10,000 kilometres. The reason for this phenomenon is unclear but may be because of the collision between the spot and vortex to the South.

Other observers tell that these were induced by the arrival of vortices that enter deep into the clouds known as Red Spot Hollow. Many other have said that the plumes are because of the side effects of the storm’s slow and steady decline. A report that was released last year tells that the storm which is huge than the Earth will disappear in the next 20 years. Last year, it was also registered that the storm has shrunk by 17 degrees since the 1800s. And at this instance, the Great Red Spot was about 35,000 miles or 4 times the size of the Earth. Many other interesting is also on the way as we have Juno spacecraft up there to collect and send us.

Perhaps, we can find the solution to this phenomenon soon. As the rotation is faster in Jupiter and it rotates once in every 10 hours there are many jet streams. The Great Red Spot happens to be caught between two jet streams that blow in the opposite direction. Thus, the result in a decade would be the transformation of the Great Red Spot to be Great Red Circle.

A Spike in the Jupiter Great Red Spot Blades is Discovered