Blue Flower Moon – Next Big Scientific Surprise is Here

Blue Flower Moon
Blue Flower Moon

Another intense moon is ready to capture our notice. May’s rare Blue Flower Moon is to appear. Usually, a full moon in May is referred to as the Flower Moon because of the blooming plants. In contrast, the blue moon has nothing to do with the colour. The name, “Blue Moon has nothing to do with the colour of the Moon.”Gianluca Masi, astrophysicist, and director of the Virtual Telescope Project in Rome wrote in an email.

It only refers to having full moons in the same month. This name is given in provision to the season. As per the astronomers, when a particular season has four full moons then the third one will be called a Blue Moon. Generally, a normal season will have three full moons but this spring season which is from March 20 to Summer Solstice, which is on June 21, will have four full moons. This blue moon phenomenon will occur every two in three years.

The last occasion was on May 21, 2016, and the next one will come to our notice on August 22, 2021. Previously, we have also had other Moon phenomena like January Super Blood Wolf Moon, February Super Snow Moon, March Super Worm Moon, and April Full Pink Moon. Now, Full Flower Blue Moon will rise to the sky for us to behold.

Blue Flower Moon – Next Big Scientific Surprise is Here