Ingenuity Helicopter Made First Successful Flight

Controlled Ingenuity Helicopter first flight was successful
Controlled Ingenuity Helicopter first flight was successful

Ingenuity helicopter's first flight to another planet was successful, and it's been celebrated by the NASA team.

 US Space agency said the helicopter has successfully passed the initial test of the Rotors in the starting period, and now, after the technical tests, Ingenuity is successfully taken its first flight.

Ingenuity, a small robotic helicopter located on Mars on February 18, 2021, launched on July 30, 2020, with the power of 350 watts, is set on Mars.

The landing mass of this helicopter is 1.8Kg (4.0lb), diameter Rotor 102m (4 ft), and the height is 0.49m (1 ft 7 inches).

Ingenuity controlled flight took its first flight to another planet by flying less than 1 minute on the dusty surface on Monday. Data from the first flight will return to Earth in a few hours following the autonomous flight.

NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter became the first aircraft in history to make a powered, controlled flight on another planet which is a proud event. Lots of appraisals and appreciations are flowing desks for the NASA team who worked beyond the success.

Ingenuity Helicopter Made First Successful Flight