The Mental Stress of Being in Social Distancing and How to Escape it

Social Distancing and Side Effects
Social Distancing and Side Effects

Coronavirus, apart from killing and infecting people worldwide, is now also having potential social and psychological impacts. With most parts of the world quarantined to avoid infection, there are worries about the effects of loneliness and social distancing from others.

Since more than 180, 000 people are in isolation worldwide, having tested positive,  and multiple times of it in unofficial quarantine for possible infection effects to occur shortly, it becomes a global issue now. 

In the US, the death toll has crossed 100, in Italy 2500 and worldwide more than 7500 now. Hence for those in isolation after testing positive, the fear of death is another psychological impact on them. Apart from not able to speak to even the masked paramedical staff and doctors, they fall into depression and rise in blood pressure levels, which are alleged to be the major cause of deaths for the Covid19  patients.

Humans are emotional creatures and need socializing with others to live happily. Now, apart from the 185,000 isolated for testing positive and multiple others on suspicion, there is also a need for the distancing of a minimum of 1 meter from each other is causing concern. Though it is essential to prevent the spread of infection, it makes the people suppress the hard-wired impulses they have for connecting with friends and others.

Dr. David Dameron is the clinical psychologist in Mynd Matters Counseling at Chesterfield County. He says that the hardest thing for many is to have a situation that is out of their control. Keeping the mind healthy is vital in these situations by good eating, exercising well, and be in continuous contact with family and friends.

It is also crucial to let people at higher risk to know that even without a physical presence, you are there to think about them all the time. He concludes that it is one of those times to keep track of the changes occurring in oneself and also about how others act to it. 

Though the coronavirus pandemic causes a lot of issues worldwide, it also has its good effects. From the reduction of green gas emissions for clear skies and reduced air pollution, there are also other benefits.  It helps people to recognize the importance of their health, and also of those who are unknown to us.

When one affected patient worries of spreading it to other unknown people, it is the time that the world becomes one place and all humans equal. It is also time to leverage the technology that was on the receiving end for wasting most of the valid time. Now it is the right tool to kill time and be in contact with the near and dear.  Some of the best solutions available for reducing the effects of loneliness and social Distancing of coronavirus include

Video chat:

Call that friend or a relative that was pending for a long time and have a video chat to see the expressions real on the screen for bonding after losing a lot of time.

Get more likes to increase the dopamine:

Think of innovative ideas to create content to garner as many likes possible on social media platforms to increase your dopamine and be on a high.

Join support groups:

Be part of the digital support groups to get and give counseling that could help spend a lot of time and in saving lives.

Start learning new things online:

With digital development rapidly in the past few years, there are many things to learn online, which have been a miss so far due to the hectic schedule. Now thanks to coronavirus, there is enough time to learn new things that may be of great help in the future.

As per an old saying, "Out of difficulties grow miracles," may this coronavirus bring out the miracle in many of those affected by it to change their lives for better.

The Mental Stress of Being in Social Distancing and How to Escape it