Researchers Say This is the Most Detailed Image of the Sun Surface

Detailed High Resolution of Sun Surface Captured by the DKIST / Image Courtesy- NSO/NSF/AURA
Detailed High Resolution of Sun Surface Captured by the DKIST / Image Courtesy- NSO/NSF/AURA

Using the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope, also known as the DKIST, which is regarded as the world's largest solar telescope, images of the sun have been captured. Scientists who are aware of the latest development have gone on record to state that the respective images are no ordinary ones. They are detailed images of the sun, which are captured in high resolution. The images of earth’s most important star, which is the sun, will be used in a plethora of research studies, scientists and researchers have assured.

The pictures which have been made public bring to light the minute details of the sun. The images show the features of the sun as small as 30-kilometers away. It may be noted that the sun is many miles far away from the earth. According to calculations by scientists, our planet earth and the sun are separated by a distance of about 149 million kilometers.

Scientists and researchers had the opportunity to take a look at the images portrayed by the telescope before they were actually made public. When asked to describe the size of the sun, one of them went on record to share that the size of the sun is remarkable. On measurements, it is believed that the diameter of the sun could possibly measure about 1.4 million kilometers.

Researchers Say This is the Most Detailed Image of the Sun Surface

Reports point out that the sun has many structures that are similar to a cell, and each cell could be approximately the size of Texas. Furthermore, the cells like structures are in the process of converting huge amounts of gas or plasma.

Taking a look at the images, one can tell that the sun has bright and dark spots. It is also believed that at the bright centers, solar material is rising, and according to reports, plasma is found cooling and drowning in the dark lanes.

The DKIST is placed at an altitude of about 3,000 meters above the Maui volcano, which is a Hawaiian island. In the future as well, the world’s largest solar telescope will be used to take a closer look at the sun from our planet earth. Scientists and researchers will carry out many studies on various subjects to understand the behavior of the sun, besides learning about magnetic fields, charged particles, and the likes.

Researchers Say This is the Most Detailed Image of the Sun Surface