Track The Spread of Coronavirus With Interactive Map

Interactive Map Designed by Johns Hopkins University to Track the Spread of Coronavirus
Interactive Map Designed by Johns Hopkins University to Track the Spread of Coronavirus

Website hosted to keep real-time track of the number of people infected with Coronavirus and mortality: In the wake of an increasing number of cases of the deadly Coronavirus being reported, a website has been launched to keep track of the number of people who are infected with the virus and also the number of deaths reported due to the virus.

The website is armed with the capability of tracking numbers 'real-time'. The respective website is equipped with a map which is a creation of a team of researchers at the Johns Hopkins University takes advantage of geographic-information-system mapping to keep track of data with inputs from health organizations like the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and China’s CDC.

In the backdrop of the outbreak of the Coronavirus, several global nations have accused China of suppressing information about its outbreak. According to reliable sources, the deadly killer virus made its debut sometime in December last year. However, due to various reasons, it is believed that the Chinese Government did not make public, the fact that the country is dealing with a virus that is alien to the medical fraternity. Sources say this could be one of the reasons why a website to count, track and monitor cases, and deaths 'real-time', due to the Coronavirus, is launched.

If numbers projected by the website are to be believed, the virus has reportedly killed more people, and less number of affected people have successfully recovered. Medical experts, on the other hand, have gone on record to state that the deadly killer virus could have affected a number of people, and the mortality could be more than the numbers projected by the website. The website also points out that the virus, which has its origin in China, has spread to 13 other countries.

As far as dealing with dissemination of information about Coronavirus is concerned, the Chinese government is more than just cautious. In the scenario, people in China are in a situation of panic; the government is cracking the whip on those spreading false information about the virus.

According to reports in the various sections of the media, nearly a dozen people have been arrested in China for spreading false information about the virus without verifying facts and numbers. The government is also acting touch on journalists who are tracking and reporting the Coronavirus story.

Amid all the speculation about the virus, health officials have also confirmed that they believe that the impact of the Coronavirus will be milder in comparison with that of SARS.

Track The Spread of Coronavirus With Interactive Map