Earths evil twin Venus is full of hot lava instead of liquid water confirmed by a study

Earths evil twin Venus is full of hot lava instead of liquid water confirmed by a study
Earths evil twin Venus is full of hot lava instead of liquid water confirmed by a study

Earth’s evil twin Venus is full of hot lava instead of liquid water confirmed by a study.

A study by Allan Treiman published in the journal of Geophysical Research reverses last month’s hope by NASA of Venus to allow liquid water.

The new research confirms that Venus is full of lava at temperatures as high as 700 degrees Fahrenheit or 370 degrees Celsius. With this new study, the possibility of habitation in Venus has vanished.

NASA under fire recently about habitation in other planets: With noble laureate, Michel Mayor recently criticizing habitation in other planets as crazy, and this new study is making its research on Venus negative.

In September, NASA researchers released simulations of several scenarios that made it possible for second solar planet Venus to allow liquid water to exist at its surface for millions of years.

The said research was presented at the European Planetary Science Congress held in September 2019.

They also found that the high altitude region of Ovda Fluctus is continuous with the lower elevation portions.

Also, the study abstract confirms that the change in the radar properties not represent different flow.

A new study by Dr. Allan Trieman, an activist of science education: Re-examining Venus Ovda Regio highlands plateau, Dr. Allan Trieman believes that they are made of basaltic lava. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. Also, Treiman said that it is only little known about Venus’ surface.

He also reiterates his stand in a statement that if the Ovda Regio highlands are made up of basaltic rock like the other parts of Venus, then they were likely to have been squeezed up to their current heights only by internal forces.

Opinion by other researchers on Venus: 

  • With contradictory findings by NASA and Dr. Allen Trieman, the other event researchers explain Treiman’s study.
  • They confirm that planet habitability should have vanished when the sun’s radiation grew stronger.
  • They also say that the oceans of Venus must have evaporated and water molecules dispersed into its atmosphere.
  • Water vapor is a greenhouse gas, the escaping of heat out of Venus must have been harder.
  • This heat could caused temperatures soar to high levels, making it not suitable for habitation and filled with lava.

This finding of Dr. Allan Triema contradicting NASA’s stand on Venus could throw light on earth with climatic change to become like its evil planet Venus soon.

Earths evil twin Venus is full of hot lava instead of liquid water confirmed by a study