Water Births are equally as safe as Land Births

Water Births are equally as safe as Land Births
Water Births are equally as safe as Land Births

Water Births are equally as safe as Land Births: A new study published in Birth Journal reveals that water births are equally as safe as Land births. However, one cannot bear the labor pain of the women, but studies suggest that giving births underwater in a bathtub may reduce the pain induced, posing no disparities comparatively in land births.

Waterbirth involves the delivery of the child by settling the pregnant women in the water pool tub filled with lukewarm water-conducting labor partially or until birth. Placing inside water helps labor contraction, thus reducing pain yielding comfort.

The American College of Obstetricians conducted several past studies and Gynecologists, and the American Academy of Pediatrics stated with a warning that after the first stage of labor strictly not to allow the patients to remain in the water tub unless subjected to clinical trials.

Hoping as a study ignition, Researchers from the University of Michigan examined 397 water births and 2025 land births by concluding that there is no difference in both the procedures for neonatal intensive care admissions and also analyzed that postpartum hemorrhage poses similar rates of blood loss in both the cases.

Based on the studies of neonatal infections or umbilical cod tearing in the water tub birth, the labor women are advised to take the decisions, whether in a tub or hospital bed. However, still, controversies remain among the doctors, laborers, and families as a disagreement with the trending procedure of birth.

During a water birth, the babies breath through the connected umbilical cord while in water and takes its first breathe only when out of the tub when the air hits the lungs, making it breathe self.

Published Paper's senior author Lisa Kane Low, a professor in the U-M School of Nursing, says, "The long and short of it is that if you use proper techniques and the outcomes are very good." She also added that the results mirror the international studies of water birth.

But the studies co-author and clinical associate professor of nursing Ruth Zielinski state that more facilities should offer water birth by implementing the proper guidelines provided to make the labor practice as normal worldwide.

The author Zielinski also advises that baby and mother should not be re-submerged in the tub after the postpartum process making them exit with warm blankets and proper attention.

Water Births are equally as safe as Land Births