World Environment Day - 2019 Beat Air Pollution is the Theme of the Year

World Environment Day - 2019
World Environment Day - 2019

World Environmental Day: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres words for that day are as follows. “It is time to act decisively. My message to governments is clear: Tax pollution; end fossil fuel subsidies and stop building new coal plants. We need a green economy, not a grey economy.” All of us know and experience the impact of climate. One or the other day, we have to suffer from the extreme punishments of the climate.

It is time for all nations to work for eliminating all activities that adversely affect the environment. The plans in paper and ideas in mind have to be brought to streets and the world population must make time to save and conserve and nurture our Mother Nature.

The power of humans to mould the environment is actually the power that destroys us. This day is not for the celebration of World Environment Day rather it is the alarm that awakes and makes us aware of the rising pollution, destruction and mindless usage of our limited but precious resources. This day is for us to know the responsibility that lies on our head.

At least, on this day we have to think upon our children of the future and act throughout our life preserving and maintaining the natural resources. Certainly, no one will wish to have our grandkids starve for water and food. We are already lacking water for ourselves. The water table has come down in many parts of the world.

Beat Air Pollution

Amidst many issues with our Environment, this year our theme for World Environment Day is Beating Pollution. Anything around us is polluted or adulterated. The water has microplastics. Air has lungs killing chemicals and land is ending up being sterile day by day. So what are we going to achieve? We are losing our basis for survival but have cars and houses and precious things around us which can never save a life.

There are international, national, regional and local organizations, yet we can’t save a pond. It is time to act not for individual achievement but for basic survival.

World Environment Day - 2019 Beat Air Pollution is the Theme of the Year