Kei Nishikori Today Hit at the Australian Open: Watch the Video

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Kei NishiKori Twitter

Kei Nishikori made the most beautiful shot on Monday at the Australian Open after an impressive exchange of balls with Pablo Carreno-Busta (23 ATP). The match counting for qualifying in the quarter-finals of the Melbourne competition is at the moment in the decisive set.

In the tie-break of the third set, Nishikori reached a ball that hit the net and found an incredible angle, but failed to defeat Pablo Carreno-Busta. The Spaniard sent the ball over the net, but the next blow of the Japanese was decisive.

The score between Pablo Carreno-Busta and Kei Nishikori is 2-2 in sets, and the Japanese guides with 5-4 in the decisive. The Spaniard won the first two sets, score 7-6 (8), 6-4, and Nishikori forced himself in the next two, 7-6 (4), 6-4.

Kei Nishikori Today Hit at the Australian Open: Watch the Video