What Is New In The Windows 10 April 2018 Update How To Get It

What Is New In The Windows 10 April 2018 Update How To Get It

What Is New In The Windows 10 April 2018 Update How To Get It

Here is a great news for Windows 10 users. The long-awaited April 2018 update has been ready for getting into your desktops or laptops tomorrow as the users shall be prompted for the upgrade to the new update by receiving the automatic notifications. This is expected to be the Microsoft's biggest update of 2018. In its blog spot, https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2018/04/30/how-to-get-the-windows-10-april-2018-update/, the procedure for updating has been provided. Interestingly, if the user has enabled the update automatically option, he/she need not even care about it. The only thing the user has to do is to finish the installation and reboot.

What is new in April 2018 Update of Windows 10?

1) Timeline feature allows the users to travel back to the recent past tasks up to 30 days in ease of finding their unfinished files.2) Nearby Sharing feature like Bluetooth share photos, documents and others and it is easier in Windows 10 now. This enables users to share anything much speeder than e-mail to nearby friends or colleagues.3) Bluetooth pairing and connecting in quicker and simple way. With just a hit, pairing shall be completed.4) Dictation feature lets a user dictate to PC so that it takes notes accordingly without a need of paper by just voice      recognition. 5) Microsoft Edge browser gets updated with easier surfing with a new audio icon for mute and unmuting. Autofill options as       available in chrome and other browsers for shipping and web payments.6) Focus Assist gets keeps the user focussed without any distractions from social media, emails and messages.7) Enhanced Gaming features with customised graphics performance. 

What Is New In The Windows 10 April 2018 Update How To Get It