
Fiji Earthquake recorded magnitude 8.2, Minor Tsunami waves reported

Fiji Earthquake recorded magnitude 8.2, Minor Tsunami waves reported

Fiji Earthquake recorded magnitude 8.2, Minor Tsunami waves reported

The Fiji Island felt an earthquake on Sunday with magnitude 8.2 and no damages were reported in the earthquake. The earthquake hit at a depth of 348 miles that caused damage at several places and it was the epicentre was located at 174 miles northeast of Fiji’s Ndoi Island, 167 miles east of Levuka and 275 miles west of Neiafu in Tonga.

Minor Tsunami waves were detected at the Pacific ocean but didn’t cross the danger line. The geophysicist Jana Pursley said that people have felt the earthquake, but it was so deep and there might not be any damages caused.

The U.S Tsunami warning centre reported that the earthquake was very deep to cause the Tsunami and the Pacific area was under surveillance to be aware of any changes in conditions. People of Fiji and Tonga were reported safe but felt insecure about the incident. 

Fiji Earthquake recorded magnitude 8.2, Minor Tsunami waves reported