Meaning of the Numbers and Letters in a Railway Boarding Pass

Railway Boarding Pass
Railway Boarding Pass

You will be used to the numbers in a boarding pass. There are many that you don’t know though. So let us know the details of all the numbers on a boarding pass. The 6 character code that you see is your Passenger Name Reference (PNR for short). It has other names like record locator or reservation. The alphanumeric codes are randomly generated indicates the personal travel itinerary. This code gives access to the airlines about the key information and reservation. It includes even your meal preferences. So it is not recommended to take a picture of your boarding pass and put it in the social media.

Using your PNR account your flier miles. Change your flight details or sometimes even cancel your trip altogether. A single letter on your boarding pass tells the booking class and tells whether it is first class or economy class or many others. A and F stands for first class. Y stands for economy class and Q stands for an economy class purchased at a discount class. If you see a B, you will be eligible for a seat upgrade. S/O stands for a stopover which lasts for 4 hours in the US or more than 24 hours in another country.

STPC indicates that you will be put in a hotel free of charge. When you book a flight in the last minute or International one-way flights or travel to a high-risk country you may find SSSS which means you are under Secondary Security Screening Selection and precisely means you are under high-security check.

Meaning of the Numbers and Letters in a Railway Boarding Pass