Mozambique Cyclones Idai and Kenneth Makes Climate Emergency Declaration

Mozambique Cyclones
Mozambique Cyclones

This African region had two successive intense cyclones named Idai and Kenneth. These had led to wide devastation. The reasons for these unfortunate incidents are because of the oil and energy companies have been eager to tap the liquid natural gas that lies as reservoirs in Mozambique. Many banks from all over the countries are financing. In the year 2013, bank loans of 2 billion were guaranteed by the Mozambican government and later defaulted on the same.

Subsequently, the currency dropped. This is not only happening in Mozambique but in many parts of the world. The local elites in collaboration with the foreign elites plunder the natural resources. It is saddening when it comes to light that governments of the countries who are meant to protect the people are having a big supportive hand in all these illicit activities to occur. They collude with the fossil fuel companies, agro-industrial elites, and financial elites ignoring climate changes and its alarming effects.

All these activities enrich themselves and leave the risk and debt to the poor people. But this is not the only scenario, on the other end the spirit to save nature and cut the growing fossil fuel usage is also emphasized by a group of people. Grete Thunberg, who belongs to Sweden, is a school girl and a highly acclaimed climate activist. Extinction Rebellion has been organizing die-ins in many parts of Europe and now in Asia. This non- violent protest is very inspiring and children and grandparents together come on streets for protest. As a result of this protest, on May 1, the British Parliament has become the world's first country to declare Climate Emergency. This declaration was the result of the 11-day street protest. The movement wants to bring down greenhouse emissions. 

Mozambique Cyclones Idai and Kenneth Makes Climate Emergency Declaration